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Do you have a lifetime income strategy integrated into your retirement plan?

A term coined by Coach Pete D'Arruda, a "Financial Fill-Up" gives us a guarantee that we will always have enough recurring income in addition to social security.

Your retirement plan needs to be properly balanced when it comes to risk. A bear market in combination with a poorly balanced plan can lead to problems from market volatility.

These avoidable problems could lead to you needing to pull money from market accounts for core income. A Financial Fill-Up strategy helps solves this by making sure you have a guaranteed income stream that benefits from some of the up-side of the market while not losing money in a down economy.

With this free review, you'll discover:

  • Lifetime Income Principles

  • Optional Benefits Riders

  • Withdrawal strategies

  • Family Distribution Options

  • Ways to avoid overpaying in commissions

  • ...and much more!

As seen on

FOX News
USA Today
Through their safe-money strategies, Pete and his team help clients place the bulk of their savings in programs designed to grow their assets to outpace inflation without putting their money directly at risk in the stock market. Their strategies even have the potential to outperform the stock market. How? By helping clients avoid stock market losses.

With safe-money investments, clients never have to make up for losses, which can take years to recover. Through safe-money strategies, clients never lose ground – their money is continually at work, growing and compounding.

Math Over Markets

In this clip, Coach Pete discusses the Financial Fill-Up strategy on CBS' My Carolina Today.

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Interested in getting started with our Financial Planning Services? Contact our team at one of our offices in Raleigh, Scottsdale, Greenville, Wilmington, or Myrtle Beach today for a no-obligation financial review.

Let Capital Financial USA be your partner in financial planning.

Contact Us

Interested in getting started with our Financial Planning Services? Contact our team at one of our offices in Raleigh, Greenville, Wilmington, or Myrtle Beach today for a no-obligation financial review.

Let Capital Financial USA be your partner in financial planning.
